Abstract submission

Enrollment for the Winter School will be open from the 1st October 2024 by using the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM below. Applicants will be asked to provide a brief description of their research, the title of the work they would like to present and a short motivation to attend the school. Once you submit your application please send your abstract (in Word format, using the downloadable ABSTRACT TEMPLATE and naming the file “SURNAME_ACWS2025”) by email to acws.perugia@unipg.it. Doctoral students will also be required to provide proof of their status from their supervisor.
The school will be limited to 30 participants. Preference will be given to doctoral students carrying out research in topics related to theme of the school, and with a strong motivation to attend. Selected applicants will be informed by email and invited to complete their registration by payment of the participation fee. All the instructions for the payment will be included in the email. The registration fee of €80 will include participation to the sessions, course materials, as well as coffee and lunch breaks.
Deadline for application is 09/12/2024